World's Trade

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Month: March, 2012

International Trade, Growth And Development

1) Donnez la signification du nombre entouré.

D’après le   PNUD, en 2005, au Mexique, sur 100 exportations de marchandises, il y en avait 77 qui étaient des exportations de produits manufacturés.

2) Existe-t-il un lien entre l’insertion dans le commerce international et la croissance économique ? Justifiez votre réponse
Il existe un lien entre l’insertion dans le commerce international et la croissance économique. En effet, certains pays connaissent une forte croissance économique entre 1990 et 2005 telles que la Chine avec +8.8%, la Tunisie avec +3.3% ou encore la Thaïlande avec +2.7% ; et c’est aussi eux qui ont vu progresser leurs exportations de biens et services sur la même période. Cependant ce n’est pas le cas partout, la côte d’ivoire en est un contre exemple. En effet ce pays à un taux de croissance faible -0.5% mais il à une très bonne exportation de biens et services entre 1990 et 2005.

3) Comment peut-on expliquer l’effet positif de l’ouverture commerciale de la Chine sur sa   croissance économique ?

La croissance économique de la Chine est très spéciale, elle est basée sur la demande extérieure, c’est-à-dire sur les exportations. C’est grâce à celles-ci que sa croissance économique augmente. Ainsi, son ouverture internationale est la source même de sa croissance économique.

4) Quelles sont les causes de la dégradation des termes de l’échange de la Chine ?

Les termes de l’échange se mesurent en divisant le prix des exportations par celui des importations. Si ce dernier augmente, par exemple si un pays importe des matières premières et qu’il doit les payer plus cher, et que parallèlement les exportations se font au même prix, on dira qu’il y a dégradation des termes de l’échange pour ce pays car pour se procurer une même quantité de matières premières, il devra exporter davantage s’il veut maintenir l’équilibre ou alors il deviendra déficitaire et son équilibre se détériorera.

Definition of globalization

Globalization (or globalization for Anglo-Saxon) is the process of opening of all national economies on a global market now. Globalization is driven by the interdependence between humans, deregulation, trade liberalization, the outsourcing of the financial fluidity of movement, development of transport, telecommunications …

Multinational companies determine their strategic choices (location, supply, financing, marketing channels, hires, opportunities, investments …) worldwide, comparing the advantages and disadvantages that give them the different national solutions possible.

The term “globalization” is mostly used in the economic field, but it affects all human activities: industry, services, trade, political, social … It’s also about communication and exchange between all people of the Earth become “global village” and between different cultures.
It becomes very difficult to operate in a national market only.


Proponents of globalization
It is a necessary step to allow third world countries become industrialized and developed countries, and not be merely exporters of raw materials. By intercultural exchange, it allows the man to open his horizons.
Defenders of the present neoliberal globalization as inevitable, irreversible and incompatible with the United Nations. They are stigmatized as too old and inadequate structures, to be replaced by a world government.

Criticism of globalization:

deregulation of national economies;
excessive liberalization of trade;
hegemony of multinational corporations;
standardization of human relationships and the disappearance of peculiarities;
the emergence of a cultural standard.


Historical :
We can begin to globalization great maritime expeditions of the fifteenth and sixteenth century (particularly in the first world tour made by Ferdinand Magellan in 1522) that allowed the creation of colonial empires.

The term “globalization” has appeared in French in 1964 as part of work to identify economic and geopolitical expansion of industrial markets in terms of geopolitical blocs, during the Cold War.

It was generalized in the 1990s, from the philosopher Marshall McLuhan’s theories on the emergence of a “global village”, but especially by the fact of anti-globalization and anti-globalization that have drawn the attention of public about the extent of the phenomenon.

Christine Lagarde: The world economy is in danger

During a visit which took place in Nigeria and Niger last week, Christine Lagarde had said once the global economy was “at a crossroads pericuolasa”. She believes that the euro area countries attract the rest of the world into a financial and economic crisis and social unrest that might ensue.

“The global economy is in a dangerous situation,” Christine Lagarde warned in an interview with the Sunday newspaper Journal du Dimanche.

Old continent is sinking into recession, global trade and production slows, and the financial crisis extends into a “crisis of confidence in government debt and financial system soundness.”

America, the main partner of Europe, is affected. And emerging as motors of growth in 2000, but now blocked, is the picture presented by Lagarde, evoking China, Brazil, Russia, “where growth forecasts are revised down”.

In late January, the IMF will publish its global economic forecasts. 4% growth globally in 2012, could be revised, says Lagarde.

It noted that talks between Nicolas Sarkozy, Angela Merkel and their counterparts have not yet stopped the crisis.

“Summit of December 9 was not detailed enough about financial matters and was too complicated in terms of fundamental principles. Heads of State have provided a change in EU treaties, each country to engage in the rules of good management “.

Christine Lagarde says: “There has been considerable progress in Europe, but they are gradual and poorly understood. Have accelerated implementation of measures”.

“It would be useful for Europeans to speak with one voice and to announce a plan and a simple calendar and detailed”, specified Lagarde, noting also that it expects large investors and the principles do not impress.

National selfishness increasingly more pronounced is, in its view, the main obstacle. “It’s hard to put in place strategies against international coalition crisis. National parliaments are not willing to commit public finances or to validate a state guarantee to support other countries. Protectionism is the subject of debate, and the principle of every man for himself gaining ground” .

Lagarde does not cite the name of any country, but being about protectionism, China is addressed.

WTO: World trade system begins to recover

Pachetul financiar de 250 miliarde dolari, ce a avut ca scop impulsionarea sistemului comercial mondial afectat de criza creditelor, a inceput sa dea rezultate, mai ales in Asia, a declarat directorul general al Organizatiei Mondiale a Comertului (OMC), citat de Reuters.

“Parerea mea, pentru moment numai o impresie calitativa, este ca situatia se imbunatateste in special in Asia, pentru ca tari precum China au intervenit foarte puternic”, a spus directorul general al OMC, Pascal Lamy.

In ciuda acestui optimism prudent, Lamy a spus ca organizatia cu sediul la Geneva isi mentine previziunea cu privire la scaderea comertului mondial cu 10% in acest an, ca urmare a recesiunii si a inghetarii creditarii.

Lamy a mai spus ca tarile membre ale OMC au recunoscut cererea Africii de Sud de a primi un tratament special in actuala runda Doha, din cauza reducerilor drastice ale tarifelor comerciale ce au fost relizate in timpul apartheidului, ce s-a incheiat in urma cu 15 ani.

In timpul guvernarii minoritatii albe, Africa de Sud a fost tratata, in termeni comerciali, ca o tara dezvoltata, si nu ca un stat in curs de dezvoltare, cum este considerata in prezent.

Astfel, “Africa de Sud a fost nevoita, la momentul respectiv, sa reduca tarifele mai mult decat alte tari emergente”, a mai spus Lamy.